Buddhism in Malaga

Málaga Diamond Way Buddhist Center

Meditation Schedule

Monday: 20:00 h. Introduction to Buddhism, and at 20:30 h. Meditation
Wednesday and Friday: 20:30 h. Meditation
Thursday: 20:00 h. Introductory lecture in english and at 20:30 meditation in english

For those who want more information about the introductory talk on Monday, they can message WhatsApp at 695 551 758. Thank you very much.

More information
Budismo Málaga

Buddhism in Malaga

Upcoming Public Talks on Buddhism
January 2025

Charlas sobre Budismo con Sara Suárez::31 Enero y 01 de Febrero

Centro Budista Málaga | C/ Peregrino 58, 1ª Planta - 29002 Málaga
  • .Charlas sobre Budismo con Sara Suárez::31 Enero y 01 de Febrero&body=https%3A%2F%2Fbudismo-malaga.org%2Fen%2Fevents%2Fcharlas-sobre-budismo-con-sara-suarez31-enero-y-01-de-febrero%2F" title="..
February 2025
19 - 20

Charlas sobre Budismo con Erle Eilers::19 y 20 de Febrero

Centro Budista Málaga | C/ Peregrino 58, 1ª Planta - 29002 Málaga
  • .Charlas sobre Budismo con Erle Eilers::19 y 20 de Febrero&body=https%3A%2F%2Fbudismo-malaga.org%2Fen%2Fevents%2Fcharlas-sobre-budismo-con-erle-eilers19-y-20-de-febrero%2F" title="..
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Málaga Buddhist Center

Diamond Way

Our Diamond Way Buddhist center was founded by Lama Ole Nydahl, a student of the 16th Karmapa. It is a lay Buddhist center for those who wish to explore the potential of the mind and integrate the Buddhist vision into daily life. Our meditation practices originate from Tibetan Buddhism of the Karma Kagyu lineage, a lineage directly tracing back to the historical Buddha, Sakyamuni.

Our Center

If you want to know more about us,

contact us